Free shipping (DE)*
Advice from our experts
30 days return policy
Instalment purchase available


The shipping costs can only be calculated once the item is in the basket.

99% of our packages are usually shipped within 1-2 business days after order. Once the item has left the warehouse, you can expect delivery within the next 1-3 business days, these times refer to domestic shipping. Delivery within the EU usually takes 2-5 business days.

Frontal protection bars are produced by us only upon order, so here the shipping time takes about 20-26 working days, depending on the order situation. After shipping the bull bar, you can expect another 3-5 days for delivery.

Depending on the item, we ship with different shipping companies. Most often we ship packages with GLS or FedEx Express, but if very heavy, bulky, or long packages are ordered, they may be shipped with TNT Express, GEL Express, or as well Kühne + Nagel.

You can usually find the tracking/shipping number either on your receipt or in the mail confirming that the goods have been shipped.